Booking & Consultation

To book an appointment please get in touch. Once booked you will be sent a confirmation.

The treatment room is a cosy peaceful space to relax in during the consultation and treatment. Once you have got comfortable, there will be a short consultation. Any personal information disclosed will be treated with the greatest respect and confidentiality.

What to expect from a treatment

You will be asked to remove your shoes and socks and lie down on the treatment couch. I will then use my hands to apply pressure to your feet, ankles and lower legs. Specific techniques are used to apply the appropriate pressure to the appropriate area. Do not worry if you have ticklish feet - the pressure applied is usually firm enough that this is not a problem. Reflexology is a calming and relaxing experience, there may be areas that are more sensitive and I will guide you through breathing into this sensation until it diminishes. Each reflexology session is a unique experience and each client responds differently.

After the Treatment

Afterwards a feeling of relaxation and balance is usually felt. Clients report feeling both calm and energised and grounded after a treatment. A re-adjustment process may occur after receiving a treatment that is very relaxing and deeply beneficial.


How Many Treatments Will I Need?

Treatment plans will vary from client to client. A feeling of deep relaxation can be obtained from just one session and maintained with weekly, fortnightly or monthly sessions. Treatment plans for specific conditions will vary, some clients weekly for 4-6 treatments then once a month. Treatment plans can be discussed during the first appointment or you can contact me afterwards. Please note that a 'treatment plan' refers to a suggested number of treatments not a finacial commitment. Each appointment is booked when you wish and can be re-scheduled or cancelled at any time (up until 24 hours before an appointment)

Prices and Payment

70 Minutes  £60

Please allow 80mins for your first treatment as this includes a consultation.

Gift Vouchers are available please get in touch for details.

Cancellation Policy: Appointments can be cancelled or re-sheduled within 24 hours of the appointment time. Outside of this time cancelled appointments or no shows will be charged at full price. This is due to the inconvenience caused and the inability to allow another client to have your slot.